The development of the following competences will conduct to the graduation in the Master’s Degree:
- CB6 Students should possess and understand knowledge which provides a basis or an opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
- CB7 Students should be able to apply the acquired knowledges and their ability in problem resolution in new or not well known environments within wider (multidisciplinary) contexts related with their study field.
- CB8 Students should be able to integrate knowledges and to face the complexity of making judgements from information which, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledges and judgements.
- CB9 Students should be able to community their conclusions, knowledges and underlying reasons which sustain the specialised and non-specialised audience clearly and unambiguously.
- CB10 Students should have the learning skills which will enable them to continue studying in a way which can be largely self-directed or autonomous.
- CG1 Training students to acquire specialised linguistic knowledge and skills to critically analyse the most relevant proposals in the field of language studies.
- CG2 Acquisition of the methodological and critical foundations which enable students to access the professional activity with a versatile and interdisciplinary training.
- CG3 Students’ ability to handle new ICT applied to linguistics, as well as show its professional and researching usefulness.
- CG4 Students’ ability to open new research lines in the field of linguistic studies, providing them with a practical application for its transference to different professional areas.
- CG5 Students’ ability to understand the pertinent relations between the areas of study integrating the Master’s Degree.
- CT1 Correct oral and written expression in the official languages of the Autonomous Community.
- CT2 Proficiency in the oral and written expression and understanding in a foreign language.
- CT3 Use of the basic ICT tools necessary to practice the profession and to learn through their lives.
- CT4 Development for the exercise of a open, cultivated, critical, committed, democratic and supportive citizenship, able to analyse reality, diagnose problems, formulate and implant solutions based in knowledge and focused on the common good.
- CT5 Understanding of the importance of the entrepreneurial culture and knowledge of the means for entrepreneurs.
- CT6 Critical valuation of the available knowledge, technology and information to solve the problems to be faced.
- CT7 Assumption, as professional and as citizen, of the long life learning importance.
- CT8 Valuation of the importance of research, innovation, and technological development in the socio-economic and cultural society development.
- CE1 To know how to apply evaluation and intervention systems to the determination of special educational needs of students with intellectual, motor, and sensory disabilities; of learning difficulties arising from sociocultural context, gender, ethnicity, and specific learning difficulties (reading, writing and calculus), delimiting priority scopes of action and required supports to promote the significant and relevant learning.
- CE2 To know how to detect and analyse possible barriers to access the curricula, learning and participation of students with special leaning needs or learning problems.
- CE3 To know the adequate procedures to intervene in the improvement of the students’ personal competences in those fields related with their psychological, social, of physical activity and sport competences which can be related with their special educational needs.
- CE4 To develop skills to learn to design, collaborating with the teacher in the classroom, individual work plans for students with special educational needs integrated in the centre organisational response and in the support services, using ICTs and promoted by activities of adapted sport which enhance health and quality of life activities.
- CE5 To learn to collaborate with psych-pedagogical services and family orientation, promoting the best educational answer.
- CE6 To know how to evaluate the implications of the use of different educational responses to the problems arising from attention to diversity.